Money being washed down garbage disposal

November 26, 2024


Why is My Sewer Bill So High?

An unexpected spike in your sewer bill can be alarming, leaving you to wonder what’s causing the increase. While sewer bills are usually stable, certain factors—both within your home and outside of it—can lead to sudden changes. Ignoring the issue could mean wasting water, overpaying for utilities, or even facing costly plumbing problems down the road. In this blog, we’ll


August 20, 2020


When DIY plumbing goes really wrong

DIY plumbing gone wrong… Draining your water heater: The water heater does not require the water to be “drained”, but simply to flush the sediments from within the tank to help avoid accumulation. Rather than trying to “drain” the water heater tank of its water, it can be better to attach a hose to the drain valve/hose bib and run this


August 21, 2015


Al’s video testimonial

In this video, a client of Pioneer Plumbing explains he called on the plumbing specialist for a back-up problem in a septic system, and got the issue resolved within hours. The service team diagnosed the issue upstream of the back-up problem.


August 20, 2015


Kelly’s video testimonial

Kelly, Principal of Erin Design, a noted remodeling firm in Tucson, explains in this brief video testimonial why she has been a client of Pioneer Plumbing Heating & Cooling for many years, and why she systematically recommends the plumbing company to all her clients.


August 20, 2015


Nana’s testimonial

In this video testimonial, Nana explains why she has been a client of Pioneer Plumbing Heating & Cooling for 20 straight years, both on the commercial side and on the private side.


August 20, 2015


The Ben’s Bell Award and Giving Back

In our company, giving back means a whole lot. Getting the Ben’s Bell Award was a big deal. It’s a symbol of our desire to help our community and its residents. The following is the article published in the news section of when Pioneer Plumbing’s Founder, Mike Motzkin, received the award. Tucson business owner believes kind acts should be the norm By Veronica M. Cruz The recipient